
  • Asimoa Triloba First Growth

    The dates can not be completely correct here, as there has probably been more than 7 days growth between the last post and this one.  Either way, it was lovely to see the first leaves emerging on this plant.  It went complicated after this!  But at this stage it was lovely.

  • Asimoa Triloba Germinating

    Can't remember, but I'm sure I killed a couple of these Paw Paw trees by trying to 'help' open the seed casings.

    Notes from the time: So, I wasn't sure if they were getting on alright. The nice folks at Jungle Seeds told me to be patient, but of course I had to dive in and give a helping hand. One of the paw paw seedlings had leaves almost loose, and (we've all done it, right?) I gave the gentlest of tugs to loosen them. Well, I suspect I've ripped off those opening leaves, leaving a slightly incongruous looking bare stem. This was yesterday, and fortunately, I think I can already see new growth emerging, so its possible there is no harm done. I will be leaving the second germinated seed alone....definitely.

  • Giant Sequoia from Seed - Early Days!

    Man, this is going back some.  So turns out my sequoia, as I write now in 2020 is around 10 years old.  He's a bit worse for wear now, if I'm honest, and I'll need to get a new picture sorted soon, but pretty sure they are not going to last in a pot, and I've never had that spare money for the field!  Either way, here is back when he was a tiny seedling.  Will keep working backwards so I can eventually post how old here, but can't be more than a year or two, surely.

  • Giant Sequoia from Seed - Random Pictures from 2010

    May through to September 2010.  It's possible these pictures are already in another post, but hey, no harm in having them again.

  • Monkey Puzzle Tree - New Branches

    The Monkey Puzzle tree is around 8 years old now, and obviously small as he is growing in a pot.  One day I'll have that field I need to plant all these things in the space they want.

    I noticed the different concentric circles at the top of the main trunk today, which I'm assuming will become new branches eventually.  Will try to photograph periodically to show progress.

  • Small Growing Giant Sequoia

    Super old photo of my sequoia.  This is back when he actually looked good.  Don't quite know how old he is here, but might become clear when I gradually add more photos over time.

  • Two Easy Peelers - Small Seedlings

    Ah, they are looking super nice.  Small citrus seedlings, with good healthy leaves.  It's almost like someone else grew them....